Friday, April 22, 2011

Paper Towels!

How can someone be mad when I hand them some paper towels?
yep,lady,you ! you were on your phone texting god knows what,while your unsupervised 2 year old spilled a huge cup of  blue Icee on the carpeted area! I handed you some paper towels that we find in our "spill stations"...and you looked at me as if I had 2 heads,I did you a favor by pointed out where the trashcan was!
But then you told me to stop following you and your son,like I told you ,I was just picking up after your son who had a blast  taking everything he could off the hangers,shelves ,and tables.oh,by the way ,have a nice day too !
and young lady ,I gave you a card with a 5 on it  when you went inside the fitting room,because you had 5 pairs of shorts! and you come out with 4,I simply asked to get  me the 5th one that you surely left in the stall! boy ,it took you a while to get back out,and strangely enough ,the last pair of shorts didn't have a tag on! and please smile,you are being taped,and your picture will be available for  the employees to look at....

and who on earth leave their old dirty bras inside the fitting room?  I also found dirty diapers,and used feminine products!

lady on the phone ,are you  freaking listening to what I am saying?
I am sorry we do not have any blue polo shirts in toddler size,we only have white.
you then asked me if we had some yellow ones.

and you old lazy old lady that is supposed to be working with me,get off you lazy butt and work! a 15 mn break is 15 mn ,not 45 ,and  a 30mn lunch doesn't last 1hr! crazy old bat!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

the other magical store....

It seems that there is a magical other store somewhere in la la land that will let customers get a sale price from 2 weeks ago,that will let them get money back on used stuff because they just don't like it anymore.
That magical other store also let them choose the price they want to pay,and that they can get a discount because they belong to AARP,or AAA...
In that store ,every single check lane is opened,and every single cashier is smiling ...
They also open earlier than we do  and stay open a lot later!
you can also have something shipped there from an another store,and they call you when it is there.they also offer raincheck on everything in the store,even if the ad says no raincheck and then call them when the item is finally instock!
and if you buy something online that needs to be assembled,you can bring it to the store ,and someone will assemble it for you for free.
and of course you can bring your pet inside the store if it stays inside the cart!
that store  also offers curbside pick up,and personnal shoppers,and the employes reorganize the trunk of customer's car ...
and the customers get really upset when we don't agree with them,or bend the rules just for them,because ,you know ,the other store will do it! or even worst case scenario,they tell us that they will go shopping at walmart! oh my poor heart!

Today ,a supervisor came to my rescue  and escorted one customer outside, who was yelling at me !I didn't keep an eye on her stuff( 30 or so swimsuits she wanted to try on) while she went inside the fitting room to try on more swimsuits...
The swimsuit war will be for an another post !( I can't believe how many women try on the same exact swimsuit or bras.... yuck....)

today's number of steps in 8hrs : 20849 ( from clocking in to clocking out)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Purchase versus transaction.

whoever decided to have only 2 cashiers on the schedule on a friday evening needs to be fed to aligators....

on my walkie I hear "back up needed at the frontlane"...oh great ,I have a hundreds of  onesies size newborn  to refold for the tenth time but who cares,not that woman with 3 kids who was talking on the phone and let her kids run wild in the infant dept,maybe someone else will go ,maybe??? shoot ...the managers calls out my name...dammit dammit least I won't find an other pair of baby pants with snots on it for a while..
I open a register ,and here comes busy woman who unloads 20 deo,12 shampoos,5 softeners etc and at the end gives me her crap load of coupons...
 me: well ,I can't accept this coupons,this one or this one,and certainly not the duplicate one from target,see the little fine print " one per transaction " ,well it means one .
lady: but I was able to use multiple ones the last time,and beside you took the 7 for the purex .
me: I know ,but the one for the purex says one per purchase  not one for per transaction.
lady : hum what? that is the same
me: not it is not,you are doing one transaction with your multiple purchases.
maybe I should have a dictionary next to me...

and here comes a couple arguing,he is spending too much ,and of course doesn't have enough money ,she is complaining and takes a $20 out of her bra ,deep in there , and hands it to me....noooooooooooooo.I can see the other cashiers laughing.apparently she is a regular,and that is where she stashes her money....purell please!!!!

tantrum 4 year old who wants a candy ...and mommy finally after 15 mn gives in ,after tantrum kid unwrap candy,but tantrum kid doesn't want the candy she opens and wants a different one.mommy gets a different one and hands it to me,I asked her about the one her kid opened,and seems annoyed that I saw that..well duh,you are going to pay for it..

overpleasing mommy who apologized to her 7 year old son who dropped his icee on the floor in front of my register. oh ,the icee  was too slippery,he didn't mean to do it...she is going to go buy him an another one...but not clean teh mess..leave it to me to do it... 

Personal shopper?

Some people have gone to the deep end.
8.30 am,a woman calls  ,and wants to have some little girls shoes size 4 ,and she wants those to be put on hold .we only had 1 pair out of the 2,I even went to the backroom to get them and walked all the way to the front of the store to drop them off at the guest service. No wonder  I average  17000 steps a day.
A couple hours later ,she calls back,and wants a different pair to be put on hold,she is on her computer at home,I go and check ,and we do not have it ( even though on the internet it says we had some ,well lady ,we don't have any).She wanted some shoes with heels and white only.
lady: my daughter wants some  with heels.
me: we don't have any her size.
lady: maybe you could find some flat ones,that are not sparkly,and that would go with a dress that is not dressy,blue and green.
me: I can't shop for you
lady:I am not asking you to shop for me,I just want you to find some shoes,so my husband can pick them up,he works down the street from the store.
me: I really don't have time to do that ,you are welcome to come to  the store.
Bitch : I want to talk to a manager!
Angel: go ahead! ( I hung up on her)
I went ahead and talk to my supervisor,and he gave me a Tee shirt and a pedometer!
Talked to another supervisor who advise the phone operator to block that woman from calling the floor...

well she called again! and guess what? she wanted to know if we had the shoes she wanted yesterday  ( the ones we didn't have)..noone on the floor wanted to take the call,she was on hold for 30mn...

today's steps: 17342!

Strangest purchase combinations.

I don't think people put much thoughts into what they buy together.
- laxative,toilet paper and a plunger.
- pregnancy test and condoms,I don't know if I am supposed to say better luck next time,or maybe it is just  wishfull thinking from their part.
-condom,sharpies,preparation H and some skittles.
-champagne,chocolate, birthday card for his wife,and world of warcraft .
-45 cans of tuna (and that was it,not even one coupon).
-5 KY  and 6 rolls of duct tape.

but I am guilty too ,last year  i went to the store in the middle of the night and bought ,midol,tylenol,chocolate,tampons and a hammer!